One of the original purposes that spurred this blog to creation was that I’d be able to write up and preserve detailed answers to questions that keep coming up. One of the most common of those at this point relates to the conversion of published ACKS classes to ACKS II. I had already worked out conversions for many of them for my home game, so it seems an appropriate thing to share.
Obviously, none of these are official, and in places they adjust the original class slightly based on actual play and extensive discussions on the Autarch discord. This is just my best guess as to what these classes might look like in ACKS II. I’ve included all of the classes from PC, HFH, and SotN that have not been updated in ACKS II or BtA. It is possible that late-stage adjustments to the ACKS II rules will push further revisions, but unlikely at this point. If anyone finds errors here, DM me on Discord and I’ll get them fixed.
Player’s Companion Human Classes
HD: d8
Key Attributes: STR, CHA
Requirement: must be Chaotic
Weapons: sword, two-handed sword, spear, lance, mace, flail
Armor: all
Damage Bonus: melee only
Fighting Styles: two-handed, shield
Class Powers: Manual of Arms or Theology, Aura of Protection, Indiscernible Evil, Kin-Slaying, After the Flesh, Command Undead
Additional Class Powers: at 5th, gain Unholy Fanaticism; at 9th, gain the right to found a Dark Fortress
HD2/F2, trade weapons to narrow, lose ranged damage bonus, lose dual-wielding => 2750 XP to 2nd; 5 class powers plus free general; max level 14th, gain proficiencies as Fighter
New Power: An Anti-Paladin’s Indiscernible Evil masks their Chaotic aura and allows them to pass unseen by discern evil, Sensing Evil class power or proficiency, or other magical forms of detection that would perceive their evil nature.
HD: d8
Key Attributes: STR, CHA
Requirement: must be Lawful
Weapons: sword, two-handed sword, spear, lance, mace, flail
Armor: all
Damage Bonus: melee only
Fighting Styles: two-handed, shield
Class Powers: Manual of Arms or Theology, Aura of Protection, Sensing Evil, Lay on Hands, Sanctified Body, Rebuke Undead as a Crusader of half level
Additional Class Powers: at 5th, gain Holy Fervor; at 9th, gain the right to found a Fortress
HD2/F2, trade weapons to narrow, lose ranged damage bonus, lose dual-wielding => 2750 XP to 2nd; 5 class powers plus free general; max level 14th, gain proficiencies as Fighter
HD: d6
Key Attributes: DEX, CON, WIS, CHA
Weapons: flail, longbow, pole arm, spear, dagger, sword, short sword, dart, staff, and whip
Armor: light, very light
Damage Bonus: melee only
Fighting Styles: two-handed, shields, dual-wielding
Class Powers: Knowledge (any), Graceful Fighting, Mindfulness, Meditative Focus
Additional Class Powers: at 2nd gain Strength of Spirit; at 3rd, gain Speed of Thought; at 4th, gain Probability Trance; at 5th, gain Purity of Body and Soul; at 6th, gain Command of Voice; at 7th, gain Wholeness of Body; at 8th, gain Perceive Intentions; at 9th, gain the right to found a Monastery (at normal cost); at 10th, gain Harmony of Spirit; at 14th, gain Perfection of Body
HD1/F2/T1, trade weapons to broad, lose heavy and medium armor, lose ranged damage bonus => 2000 XP to 2nd; 8 class powers plus free general (5 powers delayed: 2nd/14th, 3rd/5th/7th, 4th/10th, 6th/8th); max level 14th, gain proficiencies as Fighter
HD: d4
Key Attribute: INT
Weapons: dagger, dart, staff, whip
Armor: none
Damage Bonus: none
Fighting Styles: none
Class Powers: Collegiate Wizardry, Contemplation, Familiar, 66% Arcane Spell Progression
Additional Class Powers: at 2nd, gain Secrets of the Dark Arts; at 4th, gain Hex; at 6th, gain Contact Dark Powers and Minor Magical Research; at 8th, gain Alter Shape; at 9th, gain the right to found a Coterie and Dungeon; at 10th, gain Summon Infernal Creatures; at 11th, gain Major Magical Research; at 14th, gain Forbidden Spells and Supreme Magical Research
T1/A3, lose two-handed weapon use => 2125 XP to 2nd; 5 class powers plus free general (3 powers delayed: 2nd/14th, 4th/10th, 6th/8th); max level 14th, gain proficiencies as Mage
HD: d4
Key Attributes: WIS, CHA
Weapons: club, dagger, dart, staff
Armor: none
Damage Bonus: none
Fighting Styles: none
Class Powers: Theology, Bonus Power by Tradition at 1st, bonus spell in repertoire at each spell level, 150% Divine Spell Progression
Additional Class Powers: at 3rd, 5th, and 7th, gain an additional Bonus Power by Tradition; at 3rd, gain Potion Creation; at 7th, gain Scroll Crafting; at 9th, gain Major Magical Research and the right to found a Coven and Dungeon; at 11th, gain Supreme Magical Research
D4, trade Rebuke Undead for 4 class powers => 2000 XP to 2nd; 4 class powers plus free general (2 powers delayed: 3rd/5th/7th); scroll crafting delayed to gain early potion use; max level 14th, gain proficiencies as Crusader
Heroic Fantasy Handbook Human Classes
HD: d6
Key Attributes: STR, DEX, CON, CHA
Weapons: spear, hand axe, dagger, bola, dart, net, sling, sap, staff
Armor: none
Damage Bonus: melee and missile
Fighting Styles: two-handed, dual-wield
Class Powers: Survival, Backstab, Acrobatics, Climbing, Listening, Animal Reflexes, Bestial Cry, Combat Trickery, Evasion, Friend of Birds and Beasts, Natural Stealth, Pathfinding, Savage Resilience, Discomfited by Civilization
Additional Class Powers: at 5th, gain Animal Magnetism; at 9th, gain the right to found an Encampment and attract the Fellowship of Animals
HD1/F2/T1, trade weapons to narrow, lose all armor, lose shields, 1 drawback => 2500 XP to 2nd; 13 class powers plus free general; max level 14th, gain proficiencies as Fighter
HD: d8
Key Attributes: STR, CON
Weapons: by Region of Origin
Armor: light, very light
Damage Bonus: melee only
Fighting Styles: by Region of Origin
Class Powers: Natural Proficiency (general proficiency only), Berserkergang, Greater Berserkergang, Savage Resilience, Totem Benefit
Additional Class Powers: at 5th, gain Shapechange and Animal Magnetism; at 9th, gain Spiritwalk and the right to found a Chieftain’s Hall
HD2/F2, trade weapons to broad, lose heavy and medium armor, lose one fighting style, lose ranged damage bonus => 2250 XP to 2nd; 5 class powers plus free general (1 power delayed: 5th/9th); max level 14th, gain proficiencies as Fighter
HD: d6
Key Attribute: lowest ability score
Requirements: any ability score 18, must be Lawful
Weapons: bola, club, dagger, dart, javelin, net, sling, sap, staff
Armor: light, very light
Damage Bonus: melee and missile
Fighting Styles: two-handed, shield, dual-wield
Class Powers: any one general proficiency, 3 Chosen Gifts
Additional Class Powers: at each level after 1st, gain an additional Chosen Gift; at 5th, gain Sense of Destiny; at 9th, gain the right to found a Stronghold
HD1/F2/T1, trade weapons to narrow, lose heavy and medium armor => 2500 XP to 2nd; 9 class powers plus free general (6 powers delayed to gain 1 power at each level after 1st); max level 14th, gain proficiencies as Fighter
HD: d4
Key Attribute: WIS
Weapons: club, dagger, dart, staff
Armor: none
Damage Bonus: none
Fighting Styles: two-handed
Class Powers: Theology, Healing, Consolation, Purity of Body, Lay on Hands, Rebuke Undead, Eldritch Ceremony Progression in the Liturgical Tradition
Additional Class Powers: at 5th, gain Minor Magical Research; at 9th, gain Major Magical Research and the right to found a Cathedral (at a 75% cost reduction); at 11th, gain Supreme Magical Research
T1/E3 => 1250 XP to 2nd; 4 class powers and Rebuke Undead plus free general; max level 14th, gain proficiencies as Crusader
HD: d4
Key Attribute: DEX, one other determined by Path
Weapons: crossbow, dagger, short bow, short sword, sword, plus five others by Path
Armor: light, very light
Damage Bonus: melee or missile, as chosen at 1st level
Fighting Styles: two-handed, dual-wield
Class Powers: Streetwise, Backstab, Shadowy Senses, 4 Thief Skills by Path, 6 Bonus Powers by Path (Expeditionaries and Ruffians should additionally receive Eavesdropping, Scoundrels should additionally receive Bribery, and Wayfarers should additionally receive Combat Reflexes)
Additional Class Powers: at 9th, gain the right to found a Hideout
F2/T2, trade weapons to broad, lose heavy and medium armor, lose one fighting style, lose one damage bonus => 1750 XP to 2nd; 9 class powers plus free general (6 powers delayed to gain 1 power at each level after 1st); max level 14th, gain proficiencies as Fighter
Note: the Freebooter is a poor contribution to game balance in my opinion and that of many others, coincidentally made worse by some of the changes from ACKS II, so I’ll be posting a suggested replacement class before long in a new post
HD: d4
Key Attributes: INT, WIS
Weapons: club, dagger, dart, staff
Armor: none
Damage Bonus: none
Fighting Styles: two-handed
Class Powers: Collegiate Wizardry, Deciphering, Loremastery, Personal Talisman, Eldritch Ceremony Progression in the Theurgical Tradition
Additional Class Powers: at 3rd, gain an additional rank of Personal Talisman; at 5th, gain Minor Magical Research; at 9th, gain Major Magical Research and the right to found an Athenaeum and Menagerie; at 11th, gain an additional rank of Personal Talisman and Supreme Magical Research
E4, trade Rebuke Undead for 4 class powers => 2000 XP to 2nd; 4 class powers plus free general (1 power delayed: 3rd/11th); max level 14th, gain proficiencies as Crusader
HD: d4
Key Attributes: INT, WIS
Weapons: dagger, dart, staff, whip
Armor: none
Damage Bonus: none
Fighting Styles: two-handed
Class Powers: Knowledge (Occult), Personal Talisman, Secrets of the Dark Arts, Eldritch Ceremony Progression in the Chthonic Tradition
Additional Class Powers: at 3rd, gain an additional rank of Personal Talisman; at 5th, gain Contact Dark Powers and Minor Magical Research; at 9th, gain Summon Infernal Creatures, Major Magical Research, and the right to found a Cult Temple (at a 100% cost reduction, see the ACKS II Priestess); at 11th, gain an additional rank of Personal Talisman and Supreme Magical Research
E4, trade Rebuke Undead for 4 class powers => 2000 XP to 2nd; 4 class powers plus free general (2 powers delayed: 3rd/11th, 5th/9th); max level 14th, gain proficiencies as Crusader
HD: d6
Key Attributes: STR, WIS
Weapons: by Region of Origin
Armor: medium, light, very light
Damage Bonus: none
Fighting Styles: by Region of Origin
Class Powers: Natural Proficiency (as Barbarian), Cast the Runes
Additional Class Powers: at 2nd, gain 50% Eldritch Ceremony Progression in the Runic Tradition; at 3rd, gain Curse with Ill Fate; at 5th, gain Minor Magical Research and Widespread Renown; at 9th, gain Major Magical Research and the right to found a Chieftain’s Hall; at 11th, gain Wisdom of the Ages and Supreme Magical Research
HD1/F1a/E2, lose heavy armor, trade Rebuke Undead for 2 class powers => 1500 XP to 2nd; 3 class powers plus free general (1 power delayed: 3rd/11th); max level 14th, gain proficiencies as Crusader
HD: d6
Key Attributes: DEX, CHA
Weapons: dagger, short sword, sword, spear, whip, and all missile weapons
Armor: light, very light
Damage Bonus: one-handed melee and thrown missile
Fighting Styles: two-handed, shield, dual-wield
Class Powers: Perform (Dance), Charismatic Ferocity, Weapon Finesse, Graceful Fighting, Alluring Beauty, Provoke the Passions
Additional Class Powers: at 3rd, gain Death-Dealing Dance; at 5th, gain Fiery Spirit; at 7th, gain an additional daily use of Death-Dealing Dance; at 9th, gain Zealous Followers and the right to found a Stronghold; at 11th, gain an additional daily use of Death-Dealing Dance; at 13th, gain Unconquerable Soul
HD1/F2/T1, trade weapons to broad, lose heavy and medium armor => 2000 XP to 2nd; 7 class powers plus free general (2 powers delayed: 3rd/11th, 7th/9th/13th); max level 14th, gain proficiencies as Fighter
Note: due to changes to the spell building rules, Death-Dealing Dance is changed in ACKS II. It adds one additional attack to the routine instead of doubling the number of attacks made, and takes a round of dancing to activate instead of being triggered instantaneously. It does not stack with striking, swift sword, or similar effects.
Elven Racial Classes
Elven Courtier
HD: d6
Key Attributes: INT, CHA
Weapons: sword, short sword, dagger, composite bow, spear, lance
Armor: medium, light, very light
Damage Bonus: none
Fighting Styles: shield, dual-wielding
Class Powers: Perform (any), Classical Weapons Training, Diplomacy and Protocol, Gift-Giving (as Bribery proficiency), Inspire Courage, Magical Music, 50% Arcane Spell Progression
Additional Class Powers: at 7th, gain Minor Magical Research; at 9th, gain the right to found a Fastness; at 12th, gain Major Magical Research
Racial Powers: Attunement to Nature, Connection to Nature, Elf Tongues
HD1/F1a/T1/A1/Elf1, lose heavy armor => 2500 XP to 2nd; 5 class powers plus free general; max level 12th, gain proficiencies as Thief
Note: the revised Courtier here no longer requires a special “High Elf” build in order to take Diplomacy and Protocol. Judges believing Courtiers underpowered might replace Diplomacy and Protocol with Glamorous Aura.
Elven Cultist
HD: d4
Key Attribute: WIS
Requirement: INT 9+
Weapons: dagger, dart, sling, whip
Armor: none
Damage Bonus: none
Fighting Styles: none
Class Powers: Theology, Control Undead, Soothsaying, 3 Bonus Powers by Cult, bonus spell in repertoire at each spell level, 133% Divine Spell Progression
Additional Class Powers: at 5th, gain Minor Magical Research; at 9th, gain Major Magical Research and the right to construct a Fane of Chaos (at a 75% cost reduction); at 11th, gain Supreme Magical Research
Racial Powers: Attunement to Nature, Connection to Nature, Elf Tongues
T1/D3/Elf0, lose two-handed weapon use => 1375 XP to 2nd; 5 class powers plus free general; max level 13th, gain proficiencies as Crusader
Elven Hierophant
HD: d4
Key Attributes: INT, WIS
Requirements: INT 13+, WIS 13+
Weapons: dagger, sling, staff, whip
Armor: none
Damage Bonus: none
Fighting Styles: two-handed
Class Powers: Theology, Arcane Spell Progression, Divine Spell Progression
Additional Class Powers: at 3rd, gain Loremastery; at 5th, gain Deciphering and Minor Magical Research; at 9th, gain Unveil Esoteric Meaning, Major Magical Research, and the right to construct a Telesterion and Dungeon; at 11th, gain Lore of Stars and Spheres and Supreme Magical Research
Racial Powers: Attunement to Nature, Connection to Nature, Elf Tongues
A2/D2/Elf2, trade Rebuke Undead for 2 class powers => 3000 XP to 2nd; 2 class powers plus free general (2 powers delayed: 3rd/11th, 5th/9th); max level 11th, gain proficiencies as Mage
Elven Ranger
HD: d6
Key Attribute: DEX
Requirement: INT 9+
Weapons: all one-handed and missile weapons
Armor: medium, light, very light
Damage Bonus: missile only
Fighting Styles: two-handed, shield, dual-wielding
Class Powers: Tracking, Accuracy, Precise Shooting, Natural Stealth, Friend of Birds and Beasts, Animal Reflexes, Pathfinding
Additional Class Powers: at 9th, gain the right to found a Fastness
Racial Powers: Attunement to Nature, Connection to Nature, Elf Tongues
HD1/F2/T1/Elf0, trade weapons to broad, lose heavy armor => 2125 XP to 2nd; 6 class powers plus free general; max level 13th, gain proficiencies as Fighter
Elven Warlord
HD: d8
Key Attributes: STR, CHA
Requirement: INT 9+
Weapons: all swords, daggers, spears, and polearms, and all missile weapons
Armor: medium, light, very light
Damage Bonus: melee and missile
Fighting Styles: two-handed, shield, dual-wielding
Class Power: Manual of Arms
Additional Class Powers: at 3rd, gain either Armor Training or Martial Training; at 5th, gain Inspire Courage; at 9th, gain Study of War and the right to found a Fastness; at 11th, gain Lion-Hearted Leader
Racial Powers: Attunement to Nature, Connection to Nature, Elf Tongues
HD2/F2/Elf0, trade weapons to broad, lose heavy armor => 2375 XP to 2nd; 2 class powers plus free general (2 powers delayed: 3rd/11th, 5th/9th); max level 13th, gain proficiencies as Fighter
Note: Judges rightfully enamored of Aryxymaraki’s Almanac of Unusual Magic might add a build point in Elf, increase the class’ XP cost to 3000 XP to 2nd level, decrease the max level to 12th, and grant them Warcraft as a Warlord of their level
Elven Wizard
HD: d4
Key Attributes: INT, CHA
Weapons: dagger, dart, staff, whip
Armor: none
Damage Bonus: none
Fighting Styles: two-handed
Class Powers: Collegiate Wizardry, Prestidigitation, Bonus Power by College, Arcane Spell Progression
Additional Class Powers: at 3rd, 5th, 9th, and 11th gain an additional Bonus Power by College; at 5th, gain Minor Magical Research; at 9th, gain Major Magical Research and the right to found a Sanctum and Dungeon; at 11th, gain Supreme Magical Research
Racial Powers: Attunement to Nature, Connection to Nature, Elf Tongues
T1/A3/Elf1, lose two-handed weapon use => 2125 XP to 2nd; 5 class powers plus free general (2 powers delayed: 3rd/11th, 5th/9th); max level 12th, gain proficiencies as Mage
Note: the Elven Enchanter is now a College subclass of the Elven Wizard. Elven Spellsingers should be replaced with Elven Wizards of Enchantment (or another College), trading Collegiate Wizardry for Perform and Arcane for Eldritch magic. A Wizard of Enchantment gains the following powers: at 1st, gain Glamorous Aura; at 3rd, gain Mastery of Charms and Illusions; at 5th, gain the ability to cast chimerical force once per day without expending a spell slot; at 9th, gain Bind Heart and Soul; at 11th, gain Brilliant Enchantment.
New Powers:
Bind Heart and Soul: The wizard touches the heart and soul of those he speaks with. The effect of his glamorous aura continues after NPCs leave his presence, with a duration equal to that of a charm person spell.
Brilliant Enchantment: As the wizard’s enchantments and illusions are fine and brilliant, it is natural that he embody his workings in jewels of power. When creating magical jewelry, he can vest his own experience points into a magic item in payment of its special component cost. If the wizard loses the magic item, he loses any XP vested in it until he regains it. If the item is destroyed, he loses all XP vested in it permanently.
Nobiran Racial Classes
Nobiran Champion
HD: d8
Key Attributes: STR, CHA
Requirements: all stats 11+
Weapons: daggers, lances, javelins, pole arms, spears, short swords, swords, two-handed swords, plus five determined by Calling
Armor: medium, light, very light
Damage Bonus: melee or missile as chosen at 1st level
Fighting Styles: two-handed, shield, dual-wielding
Class Power: Manual of Arms, Bonus Power by Calling
Additional Class Powers: at 3rd, 7th, and 11th gain an additional Bonus Power by Calling; at 5th, gain Battlefield Prowess; at 9th, gain Study of War and the right to found a Stronghold; at 13th, gain Oneness of Land and Lord
Racial Powers: Blood of Kings, Favored of the Empyreans, Longeval, Heroic Spirit
HD2/F2/N0, trade weapons to broad, lose heavy armor, lose one damage bonus => 2375 XP to 2nd; 3 class powers plus free general (2 powers delayed: 3rd/11th, 7th/9th/13th); max level 14th, gain proficiencies as Fighter
Nobiran Wizard
HD: d4
Key Attributes: INT, WIS
Requirements: all stats 11+
Weapons: by College
Armor: none
Damage Bonus: none
Fighting Styles: two-handed
Class Powers: Collegiate Wizardry, Prestidigitation, Bonus Power by College, Eldritch Spell Progression
Additional Class Powers: at 3rd, 5th, 9th, and 11th gain an additional Bonus Power by College; at 5th, gain Minor Magical Research; at 9th, gain Major Magical Research and the right to found a Sanctum and Dungeon; at 11th, gain Supreme Magical Research
Racial Powers: Blood of Kings, Favored of the Empyreans, Longeval, Heroic Spirit
E4/N0, trade Rebuke Undead for 4 class powers => 2625 XP to 2nd; 4 class powers plus free general (2 powers delayed: 3rd/11th, 5th/9th); max level 14th, gain proficiencies as Crusader
Short Racial Classes
Gnomish Trickster
HD: d6
Key Attributes: CON, CHA
Requirement: INT 9+
Weapons: arbalest, crossbow, dagger, short bow, short sword, war hammer
Armor: medium, light, very light
Damage Bonus: none
Fighting Styles: dual-wielding
Class Powers: Perform, Ambushing, Prestidigitation, cast chimerical figment once per day, 50% Arcane Spell Progression
Additional Class Powers: at 7th, gain Minor Magical Research; at 9th, gain the right to found a Gnomish Vault
Racial Powers: Nose for Potions, Gnome Tongues, Infravision 90’, Illusion Resistance, Innate Illusion Mastery, cast faerie fire and auditory illusion each once per hour, cast illusory duplicates and phantasmal figment each once per 8 hours, cast speak with animals at will
HD1/F1b/Gnm4, trade weapons from broad to narrow, lose two-handed weapon use => 2975 XP to 2nd; 3 class powers plus free general; max level 11th, gain proficiencies as Fighter
Note: faerie fire is not included as a spell in ACKS II. Were I rebuilding it, I’d drop the “man-sized” constraint and make it clear that the spell fully negates the benefits of invisibility, but otherwise leave it unchanged.
Note: gnomes don’t align particularly well with some of the class building principles in ACKS II and are recommended to use with caution (who needs gnomes anyway?). It is recommended to remove infravision and replace it with Shadowy Senses, and to limit speak with animals to be cast once per 8 hours. These changes reduce the XP cost to 2nd level by 75 XP to 2900 XP.
Halfling Bounder
HD: d6
Key Attribute: STR, DEX
Weapons: battle axes, bolas, crossbows, daggers, hand axes, javelins, slings, short bows, short swords, swords
Armor: all
Damage Bonus: melee and missile
Fighting Styles: two-handed, shield, dual-wielding
Class Powers: Manual of Arms, Placate, Accuracy, Nervous Watchfulness, Natural Stealth, Bounding March
Additional Class Power: at 5th, gain Battlefield Prowess
Racial Powers: Child-like, Demihuman Ancestry, Difficult to Corrupt, Easily Encumbered, Naturally Chatty, Heroic Breakfast, Physically Weak, Underfoot, Short-Statured
HD2/F2/Hlf4, trade weapons to broad => 2100 XP to 2nd; 1 class power and 4 halfling skills plus free general; max level 8th, gain proficiencies as Fighter
Halfling Burglar
HD: d4
Key Attribute: DEX
Weapons: bolas, daggers, darts, slings, short bows, short swords
Armor: light, very light
Damage Bonus: none
Fighting Styles: shield, dual-wielding
Class Powers: Streetwise, Light on their Feet, Placate, Passing Without Trace, Skirmishing, Contortionism, Climbing, Hiding, Listening, Lockpicking, Pickpocketing, Searching, Sneaking, Trapbreaking
Additional Class Powers: at 9th, gain the right to found a Hidey-Hole
Racial Powers: Child-like, Demihuman Ancestry, Difficult to Corrupt, Easily Encumbered, Naturally Chatty, Heroic Breakfast, Physically Weak, Underfoot, Short-Statured
HD1/F1b/T2/Hlf3, trade weapons from broad to narrow => 1275 XP to 2nd; 10 class powers and 3 halfling skills plus free general; max level 10th, gain proficiencies as Thief
Thrassian Racial Classes
General Note: Thrassians are unlikely be included in ACKS II as a normal race due to the questionable setting impact of having players run innately Chaotic creatures. These should thus be interpreted in light of the the beastmen classes from Axioms 2. Removing infravision is recommended, and would reduce the Gladiator’s XP cost by 100 XP to 2nd level, and the Deathchanter’s XP cost by 150 XP to 2nd level.
Thrassian Gladiator
HD: d8
Key Attribute: STR
Requirements: DEX 9+, CON 9+
Weapons: all
Armor: all
Damage Bonus: melee and missile
Fighting Styles: two-handed, shield, dual-wield
Class Power: Manual of Arms
Additional Class Powers: at 5th, gain Battlefield Prowess; at 9th, gain the right to found a Castle
Racial Powers: Fangs and Claws III, Infravision 60’, Inhumanity 2, Scaly Hide 3, Swimming 120’
HD2/F2/Thr2 => 3000 XP to 2nd; free general; max level 11th, gain proficiencies as Fighter
Thrassian Deathchanter
HD: d8
Key Attributes: STR, INT, CHA
Requirements: DEX 9+, CON 9+
Weapons: all swords, daggers, spears, and polearms, and all missile weapons
Armor: medium, light, very light
Damage Bonus: melee and missile
Fighting Styles: two-handed, shield, dual-wield
Class Powers: Perform (Chant), Rouse to Fury, Unflappable Casting
Additional Class Powers: at 5th, gain Battlefield Prowess; at 7th, gain Minor Magical Research; at 9th, gain the right to found a Fortress-Chantry; at 12th, gain Major Magical Research
Racial Powers: After the Flesh, Fangs and Claws V, Flying, Infravision 120’, Inhumanity 4, Scaly Hide 5, Swimming 120’
HD2/E2/Thr4, trade weapons to broad, lose heavy armor, trade Rebuke Undead for Spellsinging => 4550 XP to 2nd; 2 class powers plus free general; max level 8th, gain proficiencies as Crusader
Zaharan Racial Classes
Zaharan Darklord
HD: d4
Key Attributes: INT, CHA
Requirements: WIS 9+
Weapons: battle axe, crossbow, great axe, mace, morning star, sword
Armor: all
Damage Bonus: none
Fighting Styles: two-handed, dual-wield
Class Powers: Collegiate Wizardry, Dominate Beastmen, Dark Blessing, Eldritch Spell Progression
Additional Class Powers: at 2nd, gain Inspire Dread; at 4th, gain Instill Strength; at 5th, gain Minor Magical Research; at 6th, gain Malevolent Reputation; at 8th, gain Implacable Will; at 9th, gain Major Magical Research and the right to found a Dark Tower and Dungeon; at 10th, gain Gather the Darkness; at 11th, gain Supreme Magical Research; at 12th, gain Dread Shadow
Racial Powers: After the Flesh, Ancient Pacts, Dark Soul, Inexorable, Zaharan Tongues
F1/T1/E2/Z2, trade Rebuke Undead for Dominate Beastmen => 3450 XP to 2nd; 4 class powers plus free general (3 powers delayed: 2nd/12th, 4th/10th, 6th/8th); max level 11th, gain proficiencies as Crusader
Zaharan Sorcerer
HD: d4
Key Attribute: INT
Requirements: WIS 9+, CHA 9+
Weapons: by College
Armor: none
Damage Bonus: none
Fighting Styles: two-handed
Class Powers: Collegiate Wizardry, Ceremonial Magic, Bonus Power by College, Eldritch Spell Progression
Additional Class Powers: at 3rd, 5th, 9th, and 11th gain an additional Bonus Power by College; at 5th, gain Minor Magical Research; at 9th, gain Major Magical Research and the right to found a Sanctum and Dungeon; at 11th, gain Supreme Magical Research
Racial Powers: After the Flesh, Ancient Pacts, Dark Soul, Inexorable, Zaharan Tongues
E4/Z0, trade Rebuke Undead for 4 class powers => 2700 XP to 2nd; 4 class powers plus free general (2 powers delayed: 3rd/11th, 5th/9th); max level 13th, gain proficiencies as Crusader
Awesome to have all these in one place!
Excellent article. I’m cutting and pasting these for my tabletop ACKS II playtest